Ashley and Lauren

On dunkin’ donuts, our younger selves, and not taking anything for granted.

A perfect day for Lauren would include waking up at 10AM after a 12 hour sleep, a morning dunkin run, a hike on an autumn day, a nap with her cats, and some time with her friend Ashley.
Ashley felt powerful when she gave a speech about gun violence at her middle school, where students organized a town hall and rally.
  • Ashley, 17

    Ashley surprised us all with her quick wit, her bold smile, and powerful sentiments on moving through grief.

    Her guilty pleasure is gas station ice cream.

    Through her healing process, she has found that journaling helps her through her hardest days. She keeps the memory of her experiences alive through the notes app in her phone.

    To the world she says: the way I look at the world is different from how you look at the world. My perspective has changed. I am more empathetic now, I am more grateful now. I try to spend more time with people I care about.

    This experience has altered the way she looks at the world forever.

  • Lauren, 17

    Lauren Young’s words served as a reminder to each of us to hold our younger selves with patience, compassion, and protection.

    She loves her introverted tendencies, how much fun she’s able to have watching movies and listening to music on her own.

    She is afraid of going through life alone. She is afraid of never being able to be herself. She is afraid of getting older and regretting the things she never did.

    She wants people to see her as more than the trauma she endured. She has more to offer to the world than victimhood. The fact that she is here today is amazing.

    Through her healing process, she has learned that only she can truly help herself- through PTSD, anxiety, survivors guilt.. you need to remember you are still alive, and have the chance to make a positive impact.

I would give you a microphone, so you could be louder and share more of your thoughts and opinions because I think you do a great job of being strong.

- Lauren to Ashley

To the world, Lauren says:

“Be kind. Everyone has hardships. Everyone has weaknesses. You can get through whatever it is together. Reach out to your people.

Kindness is what we need.”

Ashley wants people to know that:

“What doesn’t kill you does not make you stronger.

You were already strong.

You prosper in spite of what happened to you.”

Sometimes you will feel you need an explanation for why you are the way you are. You don't need to cope how normal people cope.


What Does the Future Hold?

Lauren is going to be an FBI agent to offer people answers to the questions they never got… people like her younger self, who she carries with her in all of her endeavors.
Ashley is excited for college and the independence it will bring her, to finally pursue the art of tattooing and piercing.

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